New Year, New Chances.. And fireworks!

It was weird to travel without my trusted companion, Mr. Twelve-string, to Berlin. Every time I took my little backpack somewhere, it felt like something was missing. I guess I haven’t travelled much without it last year. Which is a very good sign!
The last days of the year I had planned to spend there with some friends and so it happened. Standing amidst the biggest amount of fireworks I think I have seen in my life, I was requested to belt out (without my guitar backing me up) Some Empathy, for a little group of friends and their friends. It was a bit unusual at first but I got the hang of it and a big round of applause after! So that was a good start of the new year.
Now I’m back home, picking up “normal” life again and preparing for some new musical adventures.. As soon as they have taken a more concrete form, I will let you know of course.


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